Monday, February 22, 2010

Walk Family Ukraine Adoption

2010 Walk Family Ukraine Adoption

1 comment:

  1. First post Feb. 22, 2010

    Why Adopt?

    At 49 years of age with 5 biological children ranging in age from 17 to 30 years of age and seven grandchildren and one on the way, when God called us to adopt we were not at all surprised! Adoption was on our hearts for years and a recent missions trip to a children's home in Guatemala really stirred our hearts toward adoption even more. At first we were not sure if domestic or international adoption was the answer. There are many children in the foster care system her in the United States who eagerly await a forever family of there own. After much prayer and seeking God's direction we opted to adopt internationally. Realizing many orphans from other countries do not have a social service system in place like the U.S. does to help provide hope for their futures helped to finalize our decision for international adoption. Our 19 year old daughter, Heather, since the time she was very young has always wanted us to adopt her a little sister (being the only girl with three older brothers and one younger). Her love for missions work and her heart for helping children has her dedicated to being one of the biggest supporters of our decision to adopt. All of our family loves children and as a family we do alot of family youth ministry through summer camp programs that we host at our lodge, Quest Haven Lodge. We were also actively involved in youth ministry for 21 years, so outreaching to young people has always been a big part of our Christian walk and lives. When we decided to adopt some people asked us why. Our answer is we feel as Christians we are called to care for the fatherless as the scripture tells us. God has blessed us richly as a family and we feel privileged to share that blessing with an orphaned child. Some people have said, "What difference does it make adopting one child. Shouldn't you expand your youth minstry to reach a multitude rather than adopting one child?" Our answer is it will make a difference in the life of that one child we adopt and if all of us as Christians adopted a child there would be no orphans. We feel blessed to have the honor and privilege of having an addition to our already amazing family. We have always firmly believed that one of God's greatest blessings is children, biological or chosen through adoption. We eagerly look forward to bringing our precious little girl home from the Ukraine to join our family. We have not yet had the opportunity to meet Anastasyia personally since the hosting group she was to travel with did not get the opportunity to come to the United States. Even though we have yet to meet her we feel a love, connection and bond to her as we lift her daily, hourly even before God in prayer. She already seems such a part of our family as we eagerly prepare for her arrival.
