Here are some of our kids!!!! We have not visited the younger children yet or distributed gifts that is tomorrow.
Today was an amazingly busy day full of much excitement.
First the train ride I slept 3 hours, Russ on the other hand finally discovered my Book Nook and after reading for a while he discovered by accident that there was a computerized chess game on it, soooo he stayed up all night on the train playing chess not a wink of sleep. He looked a bit blood shot in the eyes all day as if he had been drinking. LOL
Andre faithfully picked us up at the train station, in fact as we opened the door to our train compartment guess who was standing outside the door waiting to help with our luggage, Andre. He drove us to the apartment where we were greeted by Syvette (Heather we are in the apartment that we used last time). After going over some things with Syvette we got ready to head to the regional SDA. It was not your usaul visit, the directer decided to ask me about a dozen questions about foster care in the US prior to doing our paperwork for Lena and Eddick, but all went well and then we were off to the orphanage to speak with the orphanage director and meet the kids. Again not the usual meeting, we looked at picture books of Ana and discussed how everything was going with Ana. Before Eddick and Lena's name were even mentioned they came bounding through the door and were embracing us in huge hugs. (Now remember officially this is the first we are suppose to meet them, but everyone pretended not to notice.) Lena could hardly sit still she was grinning and winking at me everytime we made eye contact(which was often) and she was sitting on the edge of her seat the whole time with her hands on the edge of her seat ready to jump up when allowed. Eddick just sat there with a huge grin on his face. They reviewed some medical history and then told us how much they did not want Lena to leave that she was their shining star and she had even been on TV doing an interview about orphanage life the evening before, they spoke of her art and the exhibits that were opening in 3 locations in Dec. Lena seemed unmoved by any of this she looked straight ahead and never responded. (Later she shared with me that she had been pulled aside several times by various people and told not to go to America. She told me there were many talks to persuade her to not go. She said, "People tell me no America, (Then she pointed up and said) when I pray, God tell me go to America. I go, I listen to God, not people, no no no and she put her hands over her ears and shook her head no and motioned with her hands as if wiping everything away around her and again pointed up and said, "I listen to God, go to America. I love mama and papa." How absolutely precious!!!
Well back to the interview with the director. There was no sharing of info or background, we were ask if we wanted to adopt the children and they were ask if they wanted to be adopted by us, after all agreed we were dismissed. As soon as we got outside the director's office Lena jumped in my arms and gave me the biggest hug, after that hug I realized she was trying to contain herself in the director's office. She didn't want to let go.
Next we visited their group areas, all the other children were at school and there were no supervisors anywhere so Lena and Eddick gave us the grand tour and explained everything. We sat down then and shared pictures and shared about all that was going on at the orphanage.Lena's English is still limited, but between what she had learned and all her gestures we were able to communicate fairly well. She said Luba has been a good teacher for her.
After about 90 minutes the children were wisk away to write their letters saying they wanted us to adopt them.(Side-note we saw Olya coming back from the hospital and were able to share hugs and talk to her) We left to visit the notary to do paperwork. Syvette worked non stop to get more paperwork done than we had before in several days. She worked straight through traveling from place to place doing all that needed done without a break. (Even though today was the first snow in Krivoy Rig, the roads were snow covered and minus 15 degress celsius outside) By the way there aren't any shovels just brooms and make shift shovels made out of a piece of board.
Syvette told us this evening that she is working to try to get a court date for both of us for Dec. 10th that will be amazing if she can.
In the midst of paperwork Syvette had us dropped off at the Pizza Shop for a late lunch and she kept transporting paperwork and completing whatever was necessary (the limited power of attorney you sign makes this all possible.) She never even stopped to eat. Without her and Sasha we would be lost and getting no where quick, they have been amazing and gone above and beyond their care for us. Father George even called last night while we were on the train to let us know he is following our journey and praying for us and if there is anything at all we need to not hesitate to call him.
We were then picked back up and off to the orphanage. This time we were greeted by a herd of smiling faces and a mounatin of hugs. Russie and Cheri if I were to give a prize for the happiest child.. it would hands down go to Nostya and Vika, they were beside themselves with joy!!!! They loved the cards and Nostya was on her knees laughing as she opened up Madie's card saw the picture and the two pennies. She wants to know if the picture is suppose to be her? All the children were beaming. Joe and Ginger in case you haven't recognized him, Artur is the movie star wearing Kartya's glasses. He would not take them off or his hood. He had a black eye, said he fell. He is as sweet as ever.
Vika S. is her smiling self Mick and Janel and is sooo excited to see you.
We had a great time just sitting in a circle giggling, laughing and sharing. The kids are amazing!!! All the children got out their picture books and we looked at pictures and laughed together. BRING PICTURES OF HOME AND FAMILY WITH YOU THAT IS WHAT THEY WANT MOST BESIDES YOU COMING!!!! (Staurt and Ann the kids value the scrap books you made with them more than you could ever imagine.) Also, bring pictures of your family to share with the orphanage director (be sure no children from the orphanage are in your pictures that you will share with her).
Ana, the orphanage director wants to know what you would like to tell her and she wants me to bring her some pictures of you when we come back for Lena and Eddick.
I wish we could bring all the kids home!!!!
There is one very special girl Nostya Pouplar (not sure of last name spelling) who is exceptinally sweet, she is 12, she has a sister 14 Anna, she very much wants a family. She ask Russ and I to help find her a mama and papa, it broke our hearts. We especially liked her when we were here adopting Ana, but did not get to know her sister then. They are two of the children who could not travel on the hosting program because they would not process all the paperwork for everyone. I posted a picture of her at the top with Lena. She is a real sweetheart if anyone is interested in adopting her and her sister. She lit up like a light bulb and jumped up and down and hugged Lena when Russ told her we would try to help find a family for her, Russ said it was the most excited he has seen any of the children. It gives me a glimpse of how disappointing it must have been for the children they cut from the original hosting list. I still cannot call home hopefully tomorrow the problem with the Internet will be fixed and I will have strong enough service. I love you all!!!!
Sounds like I could use that "special" snow shovel in the barn!!! Glad all is going well for you guys--looking forward to being there in a week! that there is funny!!! I about fell off the couch laughing!
ReplyDeleteOf all times to have a typo... So glad that the visit went well. The smiles on the kids faces just show how much you have added to all their lives.. Keep those pictures coming... prayers for all of you everyday...
ReplyDeleteGetting these pictures and the information has made us the happiest we have been since the children left! We love to see the photos of their smiles. Keep hugging them for us! We can not wait to get there, this will be our best Christmas ever!
ReplyDeleteWe knew the bathroom situation was bad, but we didn't know you needed special shovels . . . Thanks so much for the updates! The story of Lena saying "I listen to God, go to America. I love mama and papa" was unbelievable! Thank you so much for wanting us to be a part of the camp . . . your faithfulness to God has changed our lives! We love you guys!
ReplyDeleteGreat news guys! I would have loved to have been there with you all in that "gathering". See you guys around!!
ReplyDeleteI fixed the typo, thanks Ryan Make shift shovels LOL I am tired it is 2:00AM and I only got 3 hours sleep last night, not sure why I am up? Just couldn't wait to get in contact with you all.
ReplyDeleteI guess since it is 2:00 AM we can forgive you for not including our blog in your links :)
ReplyDeleteSorry Joe I did not know you had your blog set up, how do you like the picture of Artur we had a great laugh with him!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your stories, Lori & Russ! Much love and many hugs to you and all the kids! Please give them our best.
ReplyDeleteArtyr's pictures are pretty funny . . . Dusty and Tina said that he fell while sliding on some ice . . . he's tough, though! Thanks for the pictures of him!